This forum is officially closed. It will however remain online and active in a limited form for the time being.

Search found 4 matches

by Eva4
28 Jun 2019, 22:31
Topic: One deck for sale
Replies: 1
Views: 690

One deck for sale

This is Sun and Moon tarot [US $10]. In like-new condition.
by Eva4
07 Jun 2019, 07:25
Forum: Astrology
Topic: sidereal astrology anyone?
Replies: 9
Views: 5062

Re: sidereal astrology anyone?

Hi, I began following sidereal astrology almost 20 years ago and, to me, this has been the most accurate approach. I discovered it through vedic astrology. Now, when I hear someone tell me their birthday, I say, "Oh, you're an Aries!" And they just go, "Oh, no I'm a Taurus!" It's...
by Eva4
11 Jan 2019, 21:58
Forum: Misc. Topics about The Cult of Tarot Forum
Topic: A Forum Wide Brainstorm Session
Replies: 49
Views: 13683

Re: A Forum Wide Brainstorm Session

You'll want to somehow influence how you show up in Google search results. Will you be the first one on the list? Also, I think people were attracted to AT because it had something unique but basic that stood out: a library of tarot decks and their sample images. I realize, of course, the internet h...
by Eva4
02 Nov 2018, 03:12
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story
Replies: 378
Views: 221233

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Hi, I'm not new to tarot communities but to this forum! I got started with tarot back in 1996. Ever since, it has been a past time on and off for me, but more so in the past 10 years. I also have a passion for astrology and was first introduced to vedic astrology in the early 2000s. Over the years, ...

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