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by ParsifalsWheel
14 Oct 2018, 08:56
Forum: Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot
Topic: Introduction to the Suit of Wands (THOTH)
Replies: 1
Views: 1296

Introduction to the Suit of Wands (THOTH)

Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth is noticeably unhelpful when considering the classical elements of Empedocles (Fire, Water,Air and Earth) as embodied in the four suits of the tarot. The section titled "Tarot and the Elements" seems to be about anything but the elemental nature of the suit...
by ParsifalsWheel
12 Oct 2018, 17:11
Forum: Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot
Topic: II - The Priestess (Thoth)
Replies: 0
Views: 991

II - The Priestess (Thoth)

thoth_priestess_tarot.jpg The Priestess (or High Priestess) is a card that many people think they are supposed to love but can't quite understand why. She is certainly not as approachable as the Empress or as encouraging as Strength; she is more like the Catholic school head teacher who rapped Just...
by ParsifalsWheel
28 Sep 2018, 16:06
Forum: Misc. Tarot Topics & Discussion
Topic: Sacred spaces in our lives
Replies: 6
Views: 1217

Re: Sacred spaces in our lives

 by ParsifalsWheel » 03 Aug 2018 17:03 I once found such a place when wandering the woods as a pre-teen. It was a small stream running between and under the exposed roots of a very old, very large tree, forming a waterfall with a pool at its base. It's magical ambience was almost spooky. Sadly, a ho...
by ParsifalsWheel
27 Sep 2018, 13:39
Forum: Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot
Topic: I - The Magus (Thoth)
Replies: 0
Views: 727

I - The Magus (Thoth)

magus.jpg Aleister Crowley's "divinatory thumbnail" for the Magus reads: "Skill, wisdom, adroitness, craft, cunning, deceit, theft. Sometimes occult wisdom or power, sometimes a quick impulse, a 'brain wave.' It may imply messages, business transactions, the inference of learning or ...
by ParsifalsWheel
18 Sep 2018, 14:42
Forum: Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot
Topic: 0 - The Fool (Thoth)
Replies: 2
Views: 1126

0 - The Fool (Thoth)

In broaching the subject of each Atu, I'm going to start with the brief observations included in the "General Characters of the Trumps as they Appear in Use" section of Appendix A, and then cherry-pick the most relevant content from the detailed essays at the front of the book. My intentio...
by ParsifalsWheel
06 Sep 2018, 10:06
Forum: Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot
Topic: An Introduction to the Thoth Trumps
Replies: 5
Views: 2774

An Introduction to the Thoth Trumps

Welcome to the Thoth card-by-card discussion sub-forum. i will be the master of ceremonies for this excursion into "the whole of his (that is, Crowley's) Magical Mind" as depicted in the cards of the Thoth deck and elucidated in the Book of Thoth. I intend to keep this sprightly and will f...
by ParsifalsWheel
04 Sep 2018, 23:22
Forum: The Rider Waite Smith Tarot
Topic: 0 - The Fool (RWS)
Replies: 36
Views: 14945

Re: 0 - The Fool (RWS)

I have to agree about that dog. In some decks an animal (not always a recognizable dog) is chomping on the Fool's leg or tearing at his backside. That seems more like a warning to me. This dog is prancing and capering, and one more bound will take it over the edge. He looks no more responsible than ...
by ParsifalsWheel
03 Sep 2018, 23:33
Forum: Full Reviews
Topic: The Star Tarot by Cathy McClelland
Replies: 6
Views: 3546

Re: The Star Tarot by Cathy McClelland

This is undeniably a beautiful deck. I don't use it because I don't like the way it handles; the cards are large and sticky, and I don't trim borders. But I did a deck review of it a while ago. Nemia has seen this on other forums.
by ParsifalsWheel
30 Aug 2018, 09:14
Forum: Tarot de Marseille
Topic: Resource for those New to and Seasoned in the Marseilles
Replies: 9
Views: 3175

Re: Resource for those New to and Seasoned in the Marseilles

I did watch this video and, although my past exposure to his ideas had me prepared to be dismissive, I wound up admiring him. Here is my preliminary critique, which I will expand after I watch it a second time.
by ParsifalsWheel
29 Aug 2018, 18:06
Forum: Tarot de Marseille
Topic: Resource for those New to and Seasoned in the Marseilles
Replies: 9
Views: 3175

Re: Resource for those New to and Seasoned in the Marseilles

Just adding to this. For those of you with Amazon Prime membership, you can still watch Enrique Enriquez’s documentary Tarology . It’s a fabulous look at reading the TdM in a visual way. Thanks! I'll be watching it tonight and will critique it on my blog tomorrow. It might entice me to buy his rath...
by ParsifalsWheel
26 Aug 2018, 23:28
Forum: Crystals, Gems and Minerals & Herbs
Topic: Called to connect...
Replies: 2
Views: 1919

Re: Called to connect...

I find my rocks during walks in the New Hampshire countryside, which is loaded with interesting specimens of white and pink quartz and granite. I don't frequent rock shops, but have a quartz crystal generator that I bought in Colorado in 1979 and thought I lost for over 30 years, but it magically re...
by ParsifalsWheel
24 Aug 2018, 21:45
Forum: Tarot de Marseille
Topic: Hard and Soft Suits
Replies: 3
Views: 1548

Re: Hard and Soft Suits

That’s a good article. Have you also come across the idea of ascending/descending in assigning how beneficial a pip is? I haven't but I''m familiar with "trick-taking" card games where the red suits have the Aces as worst and the Tens as best, and the black suits just the opposite. So in ...
by ParsifalsWheel
24 Aug 2018, 20:20
Forum: Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot
Topic: A borderless version of Thoth?
Replies: 9
Views: 5589

Re: A borderless version of Thoth?

No borderless edition that I know of, you have to trim it yourself. I have a Weiser edition from 1969 and it has the titles and numbers in light-blue borders.
by ParsifalsWheel
22 Aug 2018, 16:11
Forum: Tarot de Marseille
Topic: Esoteric or ordinary interpretations
Replies: 25
Views: 6823

Re: Esoteric or ordinary interpretations

I generally stick with element/suit and number symbolism when using the Tarot de Marseille (although if Joseph Maxwell's work is any indicator, that can get pretty deep all by itself) and don't go into astrological or qabalistic correspondences. But that's just my choice, nothing says you can't or s...
by ParsifalsWheel
21 Aug 2018, 00:10
Forum: The House of Cards: Asking Questions/Sharing Insights
Topic: What's your Signifier?
Replies: 16
Views: 7586

Re: What's your Signifier?

Since the beginning I've always used the Thoth Knight of Cups as my Significator from both an astrological (strong Cancer and Scorpio) and biological (male) perspective. But in doing my detailed tabulation of the court cards from the descriptions in the Book of Thoth, I realized that from a psycholo...
by ParsifalsWheel
19 Aug 2018, 15:20
Forum: All things Lenormand
Topic: LWB's for Lenormand
Replies: 13
Views: 4011

Re: LWB's for Lenormand

I have only one Lenormand deck and it came with a very tiny little Little White Book. It just gives a very basic description for each card. The thing is, I wonder how much can really be said about each card? And I 'm wondering, have any of you seen a Lenormand LWB that had an individual take on the...
by ParsifalsWheel
18 Aug 2018, 15:56
Forum: Exploring the Spiritual Paths
Topic: O.B.O.D Bardic Training
Replies: 20
Views: 8807

Re: O.B.O.D Bardic Training

I looked into it after reading John Michael Greer's Druidry Handbook but didn't pursue it. I still occasionally get a newsletter but haven't seen one in a while. I figured I will do self-study and solitary practice when the spirit moves me again.
by ParsifalsWheel
17 Aug 2018, 22:56
Forum: BOOKS about the Tarot de Marseilles
Topic: Video Review of Caitlin Matthews' book
Replies: 4
Views: 3135

Re: Video Review of Caitlin Matthews' book

Thanks for posting this. I intend to get it, now it will be that much sooner!
by ParsifalsWheel
15 Aug 2018, 00:08
Forum: Tarot Decks Discussions
Topic: Why you use your deck
Replies: 8
Views: 2276

Re: Why you use your deck

I usually bring three or four RWS or clone decks to reading sessions, along with my trusty Thoth in case someone asks for it (and they have). I find that they read best for most sitters. The RWS Centennial Edition, the Golden Universal, the Morgan Greer, the Robin Wood and the Connolly are all decks...
by ParsifalsWheel
03 Aug 2018, 12:14
Forum: The House of Cards: Asking Questions/Sharing Insights
Topic: What decks stimulate your intuition?
Replies: 18
Views: 9964

Re: What decks stimulate your intuition?

Different decks do different, very specific things for me in this regard. One of the best examples I can think of for what you're talking about occurs when I'm doing any kind of sociopolitical reading. Brian William's sardonic PoMo (Post-Modern) Tarot couln't be any more expressive for this purpose....
by ParsifalsWheel
03 Aug 2018, 11:44
Forum: All things Lenormand
Topic: Lenormand - My passion
Replies: 8
Views: 2650

Re: Lenormand - My passion

Okay so I admit it, 36 Little Cards have stolen my heart. After decades of reading Tarot I find myself rarely reading them any longer. Lenormand, okay Kipper and Gypsy Cards as well, have taken over my divination life. I read the Cards for a Living and have found my clients respond better to readin...
by ParsifalsWheel
03 Aug 2018, 11:31
Forum: All things Lenormand
Topic: A Tight Rein and a Short Leash
Replies: 2
Views: 1632

A Tight Rein and a Short Leash

A few thoughts on the "tarotization" of Lenormand. ... ort-leash/
by ParsifalsWheel
03 Aug 2018, 11:11
Forum: Misc. Tarot Topics & Discussion
Topic: A Tarot Reader's Mantra
Replies: 1
Views: 1413

A Tarot Reader's Mantra

For those who are nervous about reading for strangers in public, here's a bit of positive reinforcement from the literary realm.
by ParsifalsWheel
01 Aug 2018, 14:25
Forum: Misc. Tarot Topics & Discussion
Topic: Reading online professionally
Replies: 5
Views: 1340

Re: Reading online professionally

As an old-time (and also old) reader, I do professional readings face-to-face in a local shop, on an on-call basis. (I'm retired so can go almost any time.) That said, I am offering readings on my blog site but I don't really have to make any money at it, so I just put it up there and don't push it....
by ParsifalsWheel
01 Aug 2018, 01:10
Forum: Cards and Spreads
Topic: Do you read reversals?
Replies: 16
Views: 4659

Re: Do you read reversals?

My main reluctance with reading reversals has to do with the matter of how the cards get reversed. I'm impartial to the idea of explicitly taking a section of the deck and reversing it. Actively inverting a portion of the deck strikes me as a huge insertion of personal will into whatever energy mig...

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