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Search found 2 matches

by TanjaTheWitch
23 Feb 2023, 05:33
Forum: Learning Your Craft
Topic: When Death card shows up first card in the reading
Replies: 7
Views: 5523

Re: When Death card shows up first card in the reading

I would interpret it as a new beginning, starting from scratch. I would definitely not read it as someone dying.... But more like a project developing (knight of wands). The person had quite 2 wands - from knight who runs the shows and organizes things to page who is all enthusiasm about a project -...
by TanjaTheWitch
21 Feb 2023, 05:29
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story
Replies: 378
Views: 237117

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Hi everyone. My name is Tanja and I first met Tarot when I was 14 at my friend's birthday. She threw cards for me and I got all Major Arcana cards. This was the first time I was like wow, something like this exists. A few years later, the same thing happened, at a student party I was again drawn car...

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