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Search found 3 matches

by prescottarot
09 May 2022, 06:42
Forum: The Devil's Advocate
Topic: A Question for INFJs
Replies: 3
Views: 1611

Re: A Question for INFJs

I'm an INFJ, according to the different tests I've taken, but I'm not sure I buy into Meyer-Briggs. It is true though that I take in a lot from people's faces and avoid any kind of photography artwork in my Tarot decks. I'm not sure if the reason is the one you described (getting distracted/a differ...
by prescottarot
09 May 2022, 06:33
Forum: The House of Cards: Asking Questions/Sharing Insights
Topic: Scary stories
Replies: 2
Views: 1719

Re: Scary stories

I've had some spooky stuff happen in my tarot practice, I'm not sure I'm so scared by it though. I don't find Tarot scary. Sometimes a bit ominous, for sure. Once I matched with a guy on Tinder and we spent about a week or so talking before meeting up. The cards kept saying he was lying, being disho...
by prescottarot
02 Mar 2022, 10:48
Forum: The Business of Tarot
Topic: Proxy Services for Tarot Collectors
Replies: 5
Views: 3007

Re: Proxy Services for Tarot Collectors

I'm really not tech savvy and this is based just on youtuber sponsorship schpleels I've heard -- do you think a VPN might work? Instead of separate proxies with just one VPN you can make it like you're in different cities and countries while online? I am not sure!

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