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Search found 8 matches

by dust
15 Oct 2021, 19:13
Topic: Pagan Cats?
Replies: 2
Views: 677

Re: Pagan Cats?

omg that would be great! I ended up ordering the new edition at the time but I'll try to save up for this over the next few months... it turns out customs fees have increased in my country so it's tough right now. Let me know when you've got a clearer estimate of how much it would cost :)
by dust
12 Sep 2021, 19:03
Forum: Misc. Tarot Topics & Discussion
Topic: Beguiled by Tarot: Charles VI
Replies: 5
Views: 1943

Re: Beguiled by Tarot: Charles VI

I looked it up and here's the original French: Il y en avait un qui était un haut compartiment divisé en une centaine de petits vitraux rectangulaires où dominait le bleu, comme un grand jeu de cartes pareil à ceux qui devaient distraire le roi Charles VI ; My French is rusty but I believe the liter...
by dust
12 Sep 2021, 18:33
Forum: Learning Your Craft
Topic: Archetypes Rant
Replies: 6
Views: 2263

Re: Archetypes Rant

I completely agree, actually. There's nothing "universal" about Jungian archetypes. I feel like it makes sense to understand them in cases where a given deck was deeply influenced by the idea and where it might help you get where the creator was coming from. Otherwise, it's totally fine to...
by dust
12 Sep 2021, 16:24
Forum: Cards and Spreads
Topic: Past Life Readings For Fun Or Profit
Replies: 11
Views: 4369

Re: Past Life Readings For Fun Or Profit

Years ago, with a spirit of adventure and no expectations, I did a no-spread past life reading for a friend, asking what event in a previous life had led to the formation of a troublesome hang up in this one. The cards described an event, a set of circumstances, and my friend immediately recognised...
by dust
11 Sep 2021, 22:42
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: hello
Replies: 3
Views: 1305

Re: hello

Joan Marie wrote: 11 Sep 2021, 19:17
dust wrote: 11 Sep 2021, 18:17 Hi! I'm dust
Hi dust. thanks for joining us. Hope you find your way and like it here.
Thank you for the welcome! :D
by dust
11 Sep 2021, 18:21
Forum: Cards and Spreads
Topic: Past Life Readings For Fun Or Profit
Replies: 11
Views: 4369

Re: Past Life Readings For Fun Or Profit

I'm on the fence about past lives. I think a lot of ideas around it sound like total nonsense, but I also can't reject the concept 100%. Trying to do a Tarot reading about it sounds like an interesting experiment -- like you said, if nothing else, it'd make for an entertaining story. I don't know if...
by dust
11 Sep 2021, 18:19
Topic: Pagan Cats?
Replies: 2
Views: 677

Pagan Cats?

I'm desperately looking everywhere for the old, bordered version of the Tarot of Pagan Cats. I absolutely LOVE it but don't like the purple bar in the new version as much. Before I cave and finally just get the new edition, does anyone have a copy they don't want? I'm preferrably looking for somethi...
by dust
11 Sep 2021, 18:17
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: hello
Replies: 3
Views: 1305


Hi! I'm dust on Tarot, Tea, & Me and used to be Chimera Dust on AT. I just found this forum by searching, it's nice to see so many familiar faces. :) I'm more of a lurker than a poster but hopefully I'll be able to contribute.

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