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Search found 2 matches

by Hekatemaiden
02 Sep 2021, 05:23
Forum: Cards and Spreads
Topic: Past Life Readings For Fun Or Profit
Replies: 11
Views: 4370

Re: Past Life Readings For Fun Or Profit

I would absolutely be interested in learning more- ie what type of spread would be best, questions etc. I can't say I firmly believe in reincarnation but I can't say its not true either..
by Hekatemaiden
02 Sep 2021, 05:21
Forum: Cards and Spreads
Topic: Is the tower card always as scary as people make out?
Replies: 9
Views: 6670

Re: Is the tower card always as scary as people make out?

Considering its one of my life cards.. Lol.. Its not really just good/bad.. Its not always pleasant when it pops up (especially when you start wondering what exactly is about to crumble!) But ultimately old systems have to make room for new growth and thats exactly what Tower does.. Out with the old...

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