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Search found 11 matches

by salgarfi
21 Mar 2022, 14:05
Forum: All Things Oracle
Topic: Camelot Oracle
Replies: 2
Views: 2102

Camelot Oracle

Hello All! I have just started to become interested in oracle decks, so can anyone tell me if they use the Camelot Oracle, and what they think of it? Two of my favourite tarot decks are the Druid Craft and the Wildwood, so I think that the Camelot Oracle might be a good complimentary deck. Any opini...
by salgarfi
07 Nov 2021, 12:20
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Sola Busca Video Course
Replies: 9
Views: 2985

Re: Sola Busca Video Course

I've looked at the two available preview videos of Giordano Berti's course, but over all, how is it different from, let's say, the recent book by Poltronieri and Fazioli: Sola Busca Tarot - An alchemical way in 78 paths?
by salgarfi
11 Oct 2021, 14:02
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Sola Busca Video Course
Replies: 9
Views: 2985

Re: Sola Busca Video Course

Thank you so much Joan Marie for flagging this up. I shall go to the links asap!!

All best,
by salgarfi
19 Jul 2021, 07:51
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Ruminations on the Trumps of the Sola Busca
Replies: 4
Views: 1794

Re: Ruminations on the Trumps of the Sola Busca

I am keeping my eyes out for affordable copies of both Yes, I got lucky, and I fortuitously found a second hand copy of the Game of Saturn in good condition, for less than half price! I'm always careful about what I buy since I'm only on a UK State Pension, and this is one of the meanest, if not th...
by salgarfi
18 Jul 2021, 15:54
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Ruminations on the Trumps of the Sola Busca
Replies: 4
Views: 1794

Re: Ruminations on the Trumps of the Sola Busca

Thanks Joan Marie! I know what you mean about Adam Curtis. he puts so much together in his films that you come out with an understanding, but can't really recognise how you came to that understanding. I too like the idea that Adams hasn't presented a list of meanings for the cards, but as you know, ...
by salgarfi
18 Jul 2021, 14:00
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: Ruminations on the Trumps of the Sola Busca
Replies: 4
Views: 1794

Ruminations on the Trumps of the Sola Busca

Hello All! I am a newcomer to the Tarot, but like so many others, I am intrigued by the Sola Busca Tarrochi. From what I can see through my (limited) research to date, many(?) people try to apply either the MdT or RWS trump card attributes to those of the SB, but I think that this can lead to people...
by salgarfi
09 Jul 2021, 11:48
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: What Sola Busca decks and books do you use?
Replies: 26
Views: 8229

Re: What Sola Busca decks and books do you use?

Joan Marie.., since you've read the Game of Saturn, it would be great to see how these two books compare. I gather that this one has an alchemical leaning while, as you know, Pater Mark Adams has leant towards Mithraism, Afro-Levantine cults and the darker side of magic, eg 'assault sorcery', to say...
by salgarfi
09 Jul 2021, 07:58
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: What Sola Busca decks and books do you use?
Replies: 26
Views: 8229

Re: What Sola Busca decks and books do you use?

JayBee wrote: 08 Jul 2021, 19:45 Greetings Joan Marie. I happened to notice the other day on Arnell Ando's site that there's an updated version of the Dorsini book here:
Ah.., that's good to know, and I see that the new book also includes the minors. Thanks!
by salgarfi
08 Jul 2021, 16:52
Forum: Sola Busca Study Group
Topic: What Sola Busca decks and books do you use?
Replies: 26
Views: 8229

Re: What Sola Busca decks and books do you use?

Hello All, Out of curiosity, has anyone done a comparison of The Game of Saturn by Adams and the books on the Sola Busca by di Vencenzo, and Dorsini? Since I'm new here, it would be great to know what people's opinions are on the different authors' interpretations. I'm presently reading the Game of ...
by salgarfi
07 Jul 2021, 10:03
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: Hello All!
Replies: 3
Views: 968

Re: Hello All!

Hi and welcome salgarfi - love your enthusiasm - lots to do and learn here! :D Thanks Pen! Unfortunately, I'm getting into Tarot relatively late in life so I feel I've got perhaps too much to learn. But one can only do what one can do, and I've got too much on my plate at the best of times. Neverth...
by salgarfi
04 Jul 2021, 10:43
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: Hello All!
Replies: 3
Views: 968

Hello All!

Hello Everyone, I joined the forum a few weeks ago so I thought I'd pop in to say hello - the forum looks great! I'm very new to Tarot and I only got my first deck (an RWS) earlier in the year. I am, of course, still learning, and I've binged on a few youtube sites, in particular Kelly-Ann Maddox's ...

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