This forum is officially closed. It will however remain online and active in a limited form for the time being.

Search found 3 matches

17 Mar 2021, 22:15
Forum: Current Crowdfunding Campaigns & Pre-Orders
Topic: Flights of Fantasy Tarot Deck
Replies: 0
Views: 645

Flights of Fantasy Tarot Deck Greetings :D I'm BK/DEJA VISITE and I'm creating my own Tarot deck, Flights of Fantasy. This is a mythology and fables-based deck that hearkens back to stories and ...
22 Jan 2021, 02:58
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: Hello, hello~<3
Replies: 3
Views: 607

Hello, hello~<3

Greetings, everyone! I'm BK and am super excited to be here! :D I've been reading Tarot since I was about 13, but began to study it as a serious metaphysical and divinatory art about five years ago. Since then, it's influenced everything from my artwork to the level of mindfulness I display when mak...
22 Jan 2021, 02:56
Forum: Current Crowdfunding Campaigns & Pre-Orders
Topic: Flights of Fantasy Tarot
Replies: 1
Views: 416

Flights of Fantasy Tarot Greetings! My name is BK, and I'm really loving the vibe on this foru...

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