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Search found 2 matches

by Fletch
13 Nov 2020, 04:42
Forum: Cards and Spreads
Topic: What will happen when we meet
Replies: 1
Views: 401

What will happen when we meet

Weird but I have readings on a guy that I've never met.. I have a strong feeling I'm destined to meet a certain man. So I just asked the cards What will happen when we meet? Lovers shadow card. Devil and Ace of cups, strong sexual attraction? Chariot and Queen of cups... I see as positive. Guarded i...
by Fletch
13 Nov 2020, 04:36
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: Hi
Replies: 2
Views: 400


Been reading tarot for 4 years now. Been an interesting journey. Still is. I look forward to interacting with this gifted bunch

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