This forum is officially closed. It will however remain online and active in a limited form for the time being.

Search found 6 matches

by Morandi the Magician
27 Apr 2021, 23:08
Forum: Current Crowdfunding Campaigns & Pre-Orders
Topic: POKER-TAROT by Vicente Molina
Replies: 0
Views: 805

POKER-TAROT by Vicente Molina

Dear all, if you liked me Tarot Morandi you might like this new project ( , it is not as ambitious as Morandi but it has a considerable amount of work behind it. To start designing this new project, I decided to exploit the idea of associating cartomancy to the Gregorian calend...
by Morandi the Magician
27 Apr 2021, 23:01
Forum: Current Crowdfunding Campaigns & Pre-Orders
Topic: Tarot Morandi by Molina- a TDM art deck on Kickstarter
Replies: 6
Views: 1295

Re: Tarot Morandi by Molina- a TDM art deck on Kickstarter

Dear all, if you liked me Tarot Morandi you might like this new project, it is not as ambitious as Morandi but it has a considerable amount of work behind it.
here the link :
by Morandi the Magician
26 Nov 2020, 13:25
Forum: Current Crowdfunding Campaigns & Pre-Orders
Replies: 2
Views: 484


the survey is already completed !! I hope it is useful to you !!
by Morandi the Magician
26 Nov 2020, 12:05
Forum: Current Crowdfunding Campaigns & Pre-Orders
Topic: Tarot Morandi by Molina- a TDM art deck on Kickstarter
Replies: 6
Views: 1295

Re: Tarot Morandi by Molina- a TDM art deck on Kickstarter

;)In the end I found a printing company that makes smaller runs and I hope you like how it turned out !! I like the prototype how it turned out, I also changed the promotional video, now it's just a minute! <iframe width="480" height="270" src="
by Morandi the Magician
26 Nov 2020, 12:01
Forum: Current Crowdfunding Campaigns & Pre-Orders
Replies: 2
Views: 484


Dear friends, I remember that a few months ago there was a thread here about this project that we have posted on KICKstarter, I leave the link! LINK: In the end I found a printing company that m...
by Morandi the Magician
12 Jul 2020, 18:51
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: Hola a todos
Replies: 3
Views: 1022

Hola a todos

Pues apenas llevo unos meses leyendo y aprendiendo sobre Tarot, aunque ya conocía el Tarot de Marsella (mi tía y mi madre leían) he tenido que aprender para pode diseñar mi propio mazo. Como no sé si puedo hacer campaña por aquí de momento no compartiré nada. Sería interesante conocer aspectos de es...

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