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Search found 2 matches

by chelseamaay
28 May 2020, 11:18
Forum: Misc. Tarot Topics & Discussion
Topic: occult tarot
Replies: 4
Views: 669

Re: occult tarot

okay yeah it freaked me out a little at first that it was so specific but each card translates over to a regular deck of tarot cards so i think i should be okay. Thank you for the help and for the fast replies i really appreciate :D :D if anyone else has any other suggests for learning about stuff i...
by chelseamaay
28 May 2020, 06:08
Forum: Misc. Tarot Topics & Discussion
Topic: occult tarot
Replies: 4
Views: 669

occult tarot

I need a little help I purchased the occult tarot for the first time and after placing the tenth card in the reading it reveals the demon to which you shall pay the price of receiving your desires. If the debt is not paid the demon may trouble you, how do i know what the price is ? what should i be ...

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