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Search found 5 matches

by aphrophantasmal
09 Aug 2018, 10:10
Forum: My Planetary Week 2018 Archive
Topic: My Planetary Week # 11: August 4 - 10
Replies: 33
Views: 11524

Re: My Planetary Week # 11: August 4 - 10

Thursday- (Jupiter) Power and Influence Today I drew The Devil reversed. This was especially potent to me as, last night, I made the decision that I would no longer allow my fears/anxieties to "haunt" me. There are issues I have left dormant thinking I could just get over them but I had no...
by aphrophantasmal
07 Aug 2018, 14:11
Forum: My Planetary Week 2018 Archive
Topic: My Planetary Week # 11: August 4 - 10
Replies: 33
Views: 11524

Re: My Planetary Week # 11: August 4 - 10

so interesting that you got the eight of wands reversed on tuesday, while i got it upright on monday...... the symbolic references in your card really help to get to the deeper meaning, i can see the difference in the kind of messages both cards provide. which deck is this? it reminds me of the ros...
by aphrophantasmal
07 Aug 2018, 09:24
Forum: The House of Cards: Asking Questions/Sharing Insights
Topic: What's your Signifier?
Replies: 16
Views: 7531

Re: What's your Signifier?

My signifier appears to be the Queen of Pentacles and The Empress. I say this since they constantly show up in readings for me. The Queen of Pentacles makes sense to me; she being Water of Earth and myself being a Virgo with a Cancer Moon and Pisces Rising. That's a neat little bit of sync. The Empr...
by aphrophantasmal
07 Aug 2018, 09:06
Forum: My Planetary Week 2018 Archive
Topic: My Planetary Week # 11: August 4 - 10
Replies: 33
Views: 11524

Re: My Planetary Week # 11: August 4 - 10

Tuesday- Ruled By Mars Fortunately for me (sarcasm) I have absolutely nothing pressing to work on. Lies. I have many irons in the fire, all of them red hot and I'm ready to go. The Eight of Wands showed up reversed today; pointing to more delays. Mercury in Saggitarius points to swift actions/commun...
by aphrophantasmal
09 Jun 2018, 17:27
Forum: New Members Welcome & Introduction
Topic: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story
Replies: 378
Views: 237079

Re: NEW MEMBERS - Tell us your Tarot Story

Hey there! Looking forward to discussing tarot with all of you. Since I'm terrible at introductions (I am legit THE WORST when they do those during meetings) I'll jump right into the questions. How did you get started in Tarot? Oracles? Lenormand? I started when I was about 14, as cliche as that see...

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