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3 Card Spreads

Image 3-Card Spreads
The spread you need has got to be here!

Past-Present-Future 🌼 Mind- Body - Soul 🌼 What NOT to do- the Main Issue - What to do 🌼 Spirit of the Day - Priority of the Day - What to be Mindful of Today
(credit: Benebell Wen’s Book of Maps) 🌼 The Aim - The Heart of the matter - The Foundations or ground
(This is represented in the horizontal axis of the Celtic Cross but also handy as a 3 card spread is the vertical axis) πŸ¦‹ Three Caskets Spread
(From Shakespeare Oracle: Let the Bard Predict Your Future)
1. Gold: What you desire
2. Silver: What you deserve
3. Lead: What you get πŸ¦‹ Deck of Shadows: "Desire - Defy - Escape" Spread
1) Desire: What you want
2) Defy: What you are fighting against
3) Escape: What you will leave behind πŸ¦‹ Rhiannon's Gopher Spread
1. Who have I been?
2. Who am I?
3. Who am I becoming? πŸ¦‹ Fishing Spread
1. What I offer the universe right now (worm)
2. What I may catch (fish)
3. What I can make with it (meal) πŸ¦‹ More...
1. The situation
2. Don't do this
3. Do this πŸ¦‹ 1. Problem/Issue
2. What Hinders
3. What Helps πŸ¦‹ 1. Issue
2. Option One
3. Option Two πŸ¦‹ 1. Id
2. Ego
3. Super ego πŸ¦‹ VoodooGyal's Creativity Spread
1. What skills do I bring?
2. Where I need to focus efforts
3. Benefit gained from skill growth πŸ™ SaintOfScreams's Daily Spread 1--2-3--(4*)
1. What will be the positive part of my day?
2. What will be my challenge?
3. How do I positively overcome this challenge?
4*. What is one thing I need to do/complete today? πŸ™ Head, Heart and Hands Spread
1. What do I need to know today?
2. What do I need to embrace today?
3. What do I need to do today? πŸ™ From Tarot Dictionary and Compendium by Jana Riley

The Other Person/Yourself/A Third Party 🌿 Yes/No/Maybe 🌿 What I do to others/What others do to me/Synthesis of both 🌿 Person A's Perspective/My Perspective/The Situation
(Satori changes to The Situation/Person A Perspective/My Perspective) 🌿 Satori Spread
1. Where I am Now
2. Where I am Heading
3. Pitfalls to look out for 🌿 Collected by Astraea Aurora:
*male --- female --- neutral
* mother --- father --- child
* thoughts --- words --- actions
* thoughts --- emotions --- desires 🌺 * what you want to do --- what you need to do --- what you can do in reality
* inspired by the image of a tree: bottom --- stem --- crown
* light (what's obvious) --- shadow (what's hidden) --- gray (what's real) 🌺 * inside --- outside --- advice
* outside --- doorstep --- inside
* inner self --- outer self --- advice
* strengths --- weaknesses --- advice 🌺 * blessings of the Gods --- blessings of the ancestors --- blessings of the elements
* what's moving --- what's standing still --- advice
* the key --- the door - the hand moving the key to the door 🌺 * querent --- question --- answer
* surface --- below surface --- DNA
* conscious --- subconscious --- depper than subconscious (the core)
* worm (what you offer to the Universe right now) --- fish (what you may catch) --- meal (what you could make out of it)
* idea --- challenge --- advantage 🌺 * challenge --- opportunity --- action
* something well-established --- a new breeze coming in --- how the new breeze improves and lightens the well-established thing
* what I feel --- what I think --- what I'm missing
* what you give --- what you receive --- your thanks 🌺 * what you wish for --- what you get ---- what surprises you
* nature of the issue --- cause --- solution
* hope --- inspiration --- guidance 🌺 * personal (self) --- interpersonal (relationships) -- transpersonal (humanity or morality) (This is by Leisa ReFalo.)
* emotional --- social --- spiritual (This by Leisa ReFalo.)
* the power to will --- the power to think --- the power to act
* yesterday --- today --- tomorrow
* the face you show --- the face you keep hidden --- your true self 🌺 - Question/Querent/Probable Solution
- Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow
- Last Week/This Week/Next Week
- Last Month/This Month/Next Month
- Subconcious/Concious/Superconcious
- Yes/No/Maybe
- Querent/Partner/Outcome (For Love readings)
- Illusion/Knowledge/Magic
- Idea/Challenge/Advantage
- Challenge/Opportunity/Action
- Issue/Action/Outcome
- Inner Self/Outer Self/Advice
- Illness/remedy/recovery 🌺 -Situation/Advice/Outcome (Major Tom)
- Where I am/Where I need to be/How do I get there (Magecot)
- Problem/Solution/Encouragement (Tallarico)
- The issue/What is holding me back/What takes me forward (Quantum James) 🌺 Red Light/Green Light/Yellow Light Spread
Red Light - Don't do this
Green Light - Go ahead and do this
Yellow Light - Caution/be careful/be aware of this ☘️ CPU/Monitor/Keyboard
CPU - Querent's thoughts on the issue
Monitor - How the querent views the issue
Keyboard - What the Q can "input" so the issue will work in their favor ☘️ Sun/Moon/Stars
Sun - What you see clearly
Moon - What you're having a hard time seeing.
Stars - What you wish will happen. ☘️ I/Love/You
I - How the Q feels about a person or relationship
Love - What the Q loves most about the person or relationship
You - How the Q's partner feel about the Q or their relationship with the Q. ☘️ Maiden/Mother/Crone
Maiden - Where or in what the Q or their issue is just starting to develop
Mother - What is in "full bloom" or has a very robust energy.
Crone - What is coming to pass or lessening in energy ☘️ Gas/Liquid/Solid (Checking the status of what you're trying to manifest)
Gas - What's still in the form of pure energy or thought in your life/What's "hanging out" in the ethers.
Liquid - What's starting to flow and slowly come into your life.
Solid - What's completely manifested and visible to you. ☘️ Child/Parent/Adult
Child - Where in the Q's life they're like a child.
Parent - Where in the Q's life they're like a parent.
Adult - Where in the Q's life they're like an adult. ☘️ Sun/Moon/Rising (ascendant)
Sun - Your individuality
Moon - Your inner self
Rising - You outer personality ☘️ 1.The Nature of Your Problem
2. The Cause of Your Problem
3. The Solution to Your Problem ⭐ 1. What You Need to Know About the Problem You Face
2. What You Can Do About It
3. Who or What can Help You ⭐ 3 Card Relationship Spreads By James Ricklef

To get clarification
1. Insights about your perspective of this relationship
2. What you should know about the relationship
problem itself
3. What you need to understand about your partner’s
perspective ⭐ To find resolution
1. Insights about your needs in the relationship
2. A way to resolve the problem that addresses both of
your needs
3. What you should understand about your partner’s
needs in the relationship ⭐ 1. What strengths can help you?
2. What weaknesses do you need to overcome?
3. Who or what can help you? ⭐ General Relationship Spreads
1. What you should be thankful for in this relationship
2. What you should apologize for
3. What you should forgive (either yourself or your partner) β˜‚οΈ 1. The foundation of your relationship
2. The challenges or problems of it
3. What you need to know or do about those problems β˜‚οΈ 1. The current state of your relationship
2. A recommended action to improve the situation
3. A likely outcome of that action β˜‚οΈ 1. What are the strengths of this relationship?
2. What problems in this relationship do you need to be aware of?
3. What can you do to improve this relationship? OR:
How can the strengths of this relationship be used to overcome its problems? β˜‚οΈ 1. The blessings you bring into your relationship
2. The blessings that your significant other brings into it
3. Blessings that the Universe is bringing to you both β˜‚οΈ 1. What is the importance of Love in my life?
2. How can I become better at manifesting Love in my life?
3. What is the biggest obstacle to my experience of Love?

* male --- female --- neutral
* mother --- father --- child
* thoughts --- words --- actions
* thoughts --- emotions --- desires 🐝 * what you want to do --- what you need to do --- what you can do in reality
* inspired by the image of a tree: bottom --- stem --- crown
* light (what's obvious) --- shadow (what's hidden) --- gray (what's real) 🐝 * inside --- outside --- advice
* outside --- doorstep --- inside
* inner self --- outer self --- advice
* strengths --- weaknesses --- advice 🐝 * blessings of the Gods --- blessings of the ancestors --- blessings of the elements
* what's moving --- what's standing still --- advice
* the key --- the door - the hand moving the key to the door 🐝 * querent --- question --- answer
* surface --- below surface --- DNA
* conscious --- subconscious --- depper than subconscious (the core)
* worm (what you offer to the Universe right now) --- fish (what you may catch) --- meal (what you could make out of it) 🐝 * idea --- challenge --- advantage
* challenge --- opportunity --- action
* something well-established --- a new breeze coming in --- how the new breeze improves and lightens the well-established thing
* what I feel --- what I think --- what I'm missing
* what you give --- what you receive --- your thanks
* what you wish for --- what you get ---- what surprises you
* nature of the issue --- cause --- solution
* hope --- inspiration --- guidance 🐝 * personal (self) --- interpersonal (relationships) -- transpersonal (humanity or morality) (This is by Leisa ReFalo.)
* emotional --- social --- spiritual (This is also by Leisa ReFalo.)
* the power to will --- the power to think --- the power to act
* yesterday --- today --- tomorrow
* the face you show --- the face you keep hidden --- your true self 🐝 These next ones are inspired by Tarot itself and the Fool's Journey and made by Nemia:

* inspired by the image of the hermit: earth (stability) ---your Self (union) --- sky (freedom)
* inspired by the image of the lovers: Sun (male part) --- union --- Moon (female part)
* inspired by the image of the Hanged Man: what's reversed --- what's upright --- what doesn't move (could be really fun if you're just learning reversed cards)
* inspired by the image of the Moon: water (ideas) --- stone passway --- earth (manifestation)
* Fool --- Hermit --- Temperance
* Lovers --- Devil --- Temperance
* Emperor --- Empress --- Temperance (or Justice as the balance)
* Hierophant --- High Priestess --- World
* Sun --- Moon --- Star
* Tower -- Death --- Star
* Strength --- Magician (willpower and focus) --- Judgement (pay day)
* Fool --- Wheel --- World 🌸🌸🌸 1.Knife : What do I need to cut away in my life?

2.Fork: What opportunities do I need to spear before they get away?

3. Dessert Spoon: What do I need to savour and take my time over? 🌸🌸🌸
Here's a 3-card spread to analyze an option (when you're making a choice, for example).

1. What will this option give me?
2. What will this option take from me?
3. What do I need to change in myself for this option to work? 🌸🌸🌸
Traffic Light Spread.

1. Red Light - Don't do this
2. Yellow Light - Be aware/cautious of this.
3. Green Light - Proceed with this. 🌸🌸🌸 - Opportunity, Challenge, Resolution 🦊 - Yes If ~ No if ~ Maybe if 🦊 From My Wandering Fool Tarot ... ariations/ 🦊 Three Card Tarot Spreads for Motivation
1. Abiding Passion
2. Obstacle To This Passion
3. A Way Around It 🦊 Three Card Tarot Spreads for Gratitude
1. Abundance
2. Sources Of Love
3. Silver Lining 🦊 Three Card Tarot Spreads for Self Reflection
Version 1
1. Am I Where I Want To Be
2. What Are My Options
3. What Do I Fear The Most 🦊 Version 2
1. Action
2. Feeling
3. Thought 🦊 Variation 3
1. Dream
2. Nightmare
3. Waking Life 🦊 Variation 4
1. Ego
2. Higher Self
3. Connection 🦊 Variation 5
1. Fool
2. Wheel
3. World 🦊 Variation 6
1. Greatest Strength
2. Greatest Weakness
3. Driving Passion 🦊 Variation 7
1. Hate
2. Need
3. Love 🦊 Variation 8
1. Hidden Talent
2. Obvious Talent
3. Secret Talent 🦊 Variation 9
1. Hidden Desire
2. Its Manifestation
3. Its Consequences 🦊 Variation 10
1. Hidden Strength
2. Hidden Shortcoming
3. Hidden Opportunity 🦊 Variation 11
1. Male
2. Female
3. Androgynous 🦊 Variation 12
1. Male Energy
2. Female Energy
3. How To Balance My Duality 🦊 Variation 13
1. Me
2. Spirit Guide
3. How To Connect 🦊 Variation 14
1. Mind
2. Body
3. Spirit 🦊 Variation 15
1. Needs
2. Wants
3. Fears 🦊 Variation 16
1. Past Self
2. Present Self
3. Future Self 🦊 Variation 17
1. Personal
2. Social
3. Political 🦊 Variation 18
1. Physical Body
2. Emotional Body
3. Spiritual Body 🦊 Variation 19
1. Purify
2. Prepare
3. Shine 🦊 Variation 20
1. Subconscious
2. Conscious
3. Super-Conscious 🦊